Your bathroom serves a string of busy functions on a daily basis. See how you can make all of them work, and
still have room for comfort and relaxation.
A cleaning hub with built-in ventilation
Use a rod and a shower curtain to create a complement to your cleaning cupboard. Unsightly equipment is stored
out of sight yet accessibly close - while the air flow helps dry any dampness.
Storage with a calming effect
Having a lot to store doesn't mean it all has to go in a cupboard. Many bathroom items are better kept out in the
open - either to be close at hand or are nice to look at. Add a plant or two to set a calm mood for the entire
room (and they'll thrive in the humid air).
Kit your clutter for easy access
Even if you have a cabinet ready to swallow the clutter, it's worth resisting a little. Let containers hold kits
for different activities - home spa, make-up, personal hygiene - to bring out or put back at a moment's notice.
An ecosystem of towels
Racks or hooks that allow air to circulate around each towel prolong their freshness. They dry quick and the
need for frequent washing is minimized.
Make your mop disappear
Having your cleaning tools organized makes them easier to both use and return to. When they're not needed,
close the curtain and feel the peace of mind it brings.